15 Tips on How to Look Good Wearing Headphones

Headphones can be a fashion statement. You can look good wearing them.

I’ve often found myself in a dilemma – how do I wear my headphones without compromising my style? It’s a common problem, one that many of us face. We love our music, podcasts, and audiobooks, but we also love looking our best. It’s a tricky balance.

In this ever-evolving fashion and technology world, headphones have become more than just a device for listening. They’re an accessory, a part of our identity. But how do we integrate them into our style without looking like we’re trying too hard or, worse, not trying?

That’s what I’m here to help with. In this blog post, I’ll share my tips and tricks on how to look good wearing headphones. So, stick around because we’re about to turn your headphone game up a notch.

How to Look Good Wearing Headphones (Tips & Tricks)

How to Look Good Wearing Headphones

Looking good while wearing headphones is a combination of style, comfort, and functionality. Here are a few tips:

1. Choose the Right Size

In my experience, the headphones’ size significantly affects how they look on you. It’s all about finding a balance that complements your head size and shape.

  • Small: Earbuds or in-ear headphones are compact and portable. I find them perfect for a minimalist look or for those who need headphones for exercising.
  • Medium: On-ear headphones are a middle ground. They’re more noticeable than earbuds but less so than large over-ear models. I’ve found them to be a good compromise between visibility and subtlety.
  • Large: Over-ear headphones are the most noticeable and can make a bold statement. They’re often the most comfortable for long periods but can look overwhelming on smaller heads.

2. Consider the Style

The style of your headphones can significantly impact how they look at you.

  • In-ear: In my opinion, these headphones are the most discreet. They’re ideal if you want your headphones to blend in rather than stand out.
  • On-ear: These headphones are more noticeable than in-ear models but less so than over-ear models. I find them a good compromise if you want your headphones to be seen but not dominate your look.
  • Over-ear: These headphones are the most noticeable and can make a bold statement. They’re often the most comfortable for long periods.

3. Color Matters

Your headphones’ color can complement or clash with your outfit.

  • Neutral Colors: I’ve found that black, white, or silver headphones are versatile and can match most outfits.
  • Bright Colors: Brightly colored headphones can add a pop of color and make a bold statement. However, they might not match every outfit.
  • Metallics: Metallic headphones can add a touch of luxury to your look. They’re especially suitable for a professional or sophisticated style.

4. Quality is Key

In my experience, high-quality headphones sound better and tend to look better. They often have a more refined design and superior materials.

  • Design: High-quality headphones often have a more sophisticated design. They can add a touch of luxury to your look.
  • Materials: High-quality headphones are usually made from superior materials. They’re more durable and often more comfortable.

5. Comfort is Crucial

If you’re uncomfortable, it will show. I recommend trying headphones before buying to ensure they fit well and do not cause discomfort.

  • Fit: The headphones should fit snugly but not too tightly. They should not cause any discomfort, even after long periods.
  • Weight: Lighter headphones are generally more comfortable for long periods. However, some people might prefer the feel of heavier headphones.
  • Materials: The materials can significantly impact comfort. Look for headphones with soft, breathable materials.

6. Cable Management

In my experience, a tangled mess of wires can ruin your look.

  • Wireless: Wireless headphones eliminate the issue of tangled wires. They can also give you more freedom of movement.
  • Cable Wrapping: If you prefer wired headphones, use a cable wrap or clip to keep the cable tidy.

7. Cleanliness

I’ve found that regularly cleaning your headphones can keep them looking their best. It’s also essential for hygiene and can prevent skin issues.

  • Cleaning Routine: Develop a regular cleaning routine. This could be as simple as daily wiping your headphones with a microfiber cloth.
  • Deep Cleaning: Occasionally, you might need to do a deep clean. This could involve using a small brush to clean out debris or a cleaning solution for more stubborn dirt.

8. Safe Volume Levels

I cannot stress enough how important it is to protect your hearing.

  • 60% Rule: I advise keeping the volume safe, typically below 60% of the maximum volume. This can help prevent hearing damage.
  • Noise-canceling: Noise-cancelling headphones can allow you to listen at lower volumes by reducing background noise. This is a feature I highly recommend.

9. Take Breaks

Wearing headphones for extended periods can cause ear fatigue.

  • Hourly Breaks: I recommend taking breaks every hour to rest your ears. This can also help prevent hearing damage.
  • Listen to Your Body: If you feel discomfort, take a break. It’s essential to listen to your body and not push yourself too far.

10. Proper Storage

When not in use, I always store my headphones in a case to protect them from damage and keep them looking new.

  • Hard Case: A hard case can provide the most protection, especially for larger headphones.
  • Soft Pouch: A soft pouch can be more portable and provide decent protection.

11. Personalize

Adding a personal touch, like a headphone cover or skin, can make your headphones uniquely yours.

  • Covers: Covers can protect your headphones and add a personal touch. They come in a variety of colors and designs.
  • Skins: Skins are like stickers for your headphones. They can add a unique design without adding bulk.

12. Match Your Lifestyle

Your headphones should fit your lifestyle.

  • Active Lifestyle: If you’re active, consider secure-fitting earbuds. They’re less likely to fall out during vigorous activity.
  • Professional Lifestyle: Consider over-ear models if you use your headphones for work. They’re often more comfortable for long periods and can provide better sound quality.

13. Consider Your Hair

If you have long hair, consider how it will interact with your headphones. It might look best pulled back or styled around the headphones.

  • Pulled Back: Pulling your hair back can prevent it from getting tangled in your headphones.
  • Styled Around: Alternatively, you can style your hair around your headphones. This can create a unique look and showcase your headphones.

14. Mind Your Posture

Good posture can enhance your look when wearing headphones. Keep your head up and your shoulders back.

  • Stand Tall: Standing tall can make you look more confident and put together.
  • Relaxed Shoulders: Relaxing your shoulders can prevent tension and discomfort.

15. Be Confident

Finally, confidence is the key to pulling off any look. If you love your headphones, that will shine through.

  • Own It: Own your look, and don’t be afraid to show off your headphones.
  • Enjoy the Music: Remember, the most important thing is to enjoy the music. If you’re enjoying yourself, it will show.

Here’s a table summarizing the tips:

Tip NumberTipKey Points
1Choose the Right SizeSmall for minimalism, medium for balance, large for a bold statement
2Consider the StyleIn-ear for discretion, on-ear for balance, over-ear for prominence
3Color MattersNeutral colors for versatility, bright colors for statement, metallics for sophistication
4Quality is KeyHigh-quality headphones for better design and durability
5Comfort is CrucialEnsure good fit, appropriate weight, and comfortable materials
6Cable ManagementOpt for wireless or keep cables tidy
7CleanlinessRegular cleaning routine, occasional deep cleaning
8Safe Volume LevelsKeep volume below 60%, and consider noise-canceling
9Take BreaksHourly breaks, listen to your body
10Proper StorageUse a hard case or soft pouch
11PersonalizeAdd covers or skins
12Match Your LifestyleSecure-fitting earbuds for an active lifestyle, over-ear models for professional use
13Consider Your HairStyle hair to complement headphones
14Mind Your PostureStand tall, relax your shoulders
15Be ConfidentOwn your look, enjoy the music

Remember, these are just guidelines. Most importantly, you feel comfortable and confident in your headphones.

How to Wear Headphones Without Ruining Hair?

How to Wear Headphones Without Ruining Hair

Wearing headphones can sometimes mess with your hair, causing what’s commonly known as “headphone hair.” However, you can enjoy your music and keep your hair looking great with a few strategies.

Here are my tips:

1. Choose the Right Headphones

Choosing the right pair is the first step to wearing headphones without ruining your hair.

Over-ear headphones, which encase your entire ear, tend to distribute pressure more evenly around your ears rather than pushing down on the top of your head.

This can help to minimize the dreaded headphone hair dent. Additionally, the material of the headband can make a difference. Headbands of rubber or silicone can pull and tug at your hair, leading to breakage.

I’ve found that headphones with a fabric or padded headband are less likely to cause hair damage as they can slide more easily over your hair.

2. Adjust Your Hairstyle

Your hairstyle can also play a significant role in preventing headphone hair. Loose hairstyles, such as leaving your hair down or tying it in a low ponytail, are less likely to get disrupted by headphones.

On the other hand, high hairstyles like a high bun or ponytail can interfere with the headband of your headphones, causing it to sit at an awkward angle and potentially leading to more hair disruption.

Therefore, when I plan to wear headphones, I opt for lower, looser hairstyles.

3. Position Your Headphones Correctly

How you position your headphones on your head can also impact your hair. Pushing your headphones back on your head can flatten your hair, creating a noticeable dent when you remove them.

Instead, I recommend keeping your headphones positioned over your ears, where they’re designed to sit.

Additionally, instead of sliding your headphones on, try lifting them into place. This can help prevent your hair from getting pushed back and flattened.

4. Use Hair Products

Certain hair products can help your hair maintain its shape under headphones. Volumizing sprays or mousses can lift your hair, allowing it to bounce back after you remove your headphones.

Anti-frizz products can also be beneficial. These products can help prevent static electricity build-up from your headphones, leading to frizzy hair.

I’ve found that quickly applying these products before I put on my headphones can make a big difference.

5. Take Breaks

Finally, taking breaks from your headphones can give your hair a chance to recover. I recommend removing your headphones every hour to let your hair bounce back.

When you remove your headphones, shake your hair quickly to help it regain its volume.

This can also be an excellent opportunity to massage your scalp and promote blood flow, which is beneficial for hair health.

9 Tricks on How to Wear Headphones with Glasses?

How to Wear Headphones with Glasses

Wearing headphones with glasses can sometimes be challenging due to the added pressure on the sides of your head.

You can comfortably enjoy your favorite tunes with adjustments and considerations.

Here are some in-depth tips:

1. Wearing Eyeglasses with Thinner Frames

Thinner frames can reduce the pressure caused by headphones. They’re less likely to be pushed into your head by the headphone padding. That can make them more comfortable to wear for extended periods.

In my experience, glasses with thin, lightweight frames tend to be less noticeable when wearing headphones.

They also tend to be more flexible, allowing them to conform better to the shape of your head and the headphones.

2. Adjust Your Headphone loosely

If your headphones are adjustable, try loosening them a bit. This can reduce the pressure on your glasses and make them more comfortable. However, be careful not to make them so loose that they fall off.

I’ve found that a slightly looser fit can significantly affect comfort when wearing glasses. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where the headphones are secure. But not pressing too hard against your glasses.

3. Reposition Your Headphones to a Better Position

Sometimes, simply adjusting the position of your headphones can make a big difference. Try moving them slightly forward or backward to find a spot where they don’t press as hard on your glasses.

I’ve found that even a small adjustment can significantly improve comfort. This is because it can help distribute the pressure more evenly around your ears and the sides of your head.

4. Put a Tissue in Between Your Frames and Your Head

This might sound a bit odd, but it can work. The tissue acts as a buffer between your glasses and your head, reducing the pressure and potential discomfort.

I’ve tried this trick a few times, and it can provide a surprising amount of relief. It’s a simple and quick solution, especially if you’re in a pinch.

5. Lift the Temples of Your Glasses

Another trick is to lift the temples (the arms of your glasses), so they sit above the headphone padding. This can prevent the headphones from pushing the glasses into your head.

I’ve found this to be a simple but effective solution. It might initially feel strange, but it can significantly reduce pressure and discomfort.

6. Choose Headphones That Have Thicker Ear Pads

Headphones with thicker padding can be more comfortable for glasses wearers. The soft padding can mold around your glasses, reducing the pressure on your head.

In my experience, headphones with thicker, softer padding tend to be more comfortable when wearing glasses. They can also help create a better seal around your ears, improving sound quality.

7. Stretch Your Headphones Out to Reduce the Clamping Force

If your headphones are too tight, try gently stretching them out. This can reduce the clamping force, making them more comfortable to wear with glasses.

Be careful not to stretch them too much, as this could damage them. I’ve found that gently stretching the headband can make the headphones more comfortable over time.

It can help the headphones conform better to your head shape, reducing pressure points.

8. Try Wearing Pince-nez Glasses

Pince-nez glasses, which clip onto your nose without arms, can be a good option if you frequently wear headphones. They eliminate the issue of headphone pressure.

While they may not suit everyone, they’re worth considering if you are often uncomfortable wearing headphones or glasses.

9. Choose Over-Ear Headphones

Over-ear headphones generally have larger ear cups and softer padding than on-ear models. This can make them more comfortable to wear with glasses.

While this may not be an option for everyone due to size or cost considerations, I’ve found that over-ear headphones tend to be more comfortable for long listening sessions, especially when wearing glasses.

They provide more room for your ears and glasses, reducing pressure points and potential discomfort.

Here’s a summary table:

TipKey Points
Wearing Eyeglasses with Thinner FramesReduces pressure from headphones
Adjust Your Headphone LooselyReduces pressure on glasses
Reposition Your HeadsetFind a comfortable spot that minimizes the pressure
Use a Tissue BufferActs as a cushion between glasses and head
Lift the Temples of Your GlassesIt prevents headphones from pushing glasses into the head
Choose Headphones with Thicker PaddingMore comfortable for glasses wearers
Stretch Your HeadphonesReduces clamping force
Try Pince-nez GlassesEliminates issue of headphone pressure
Choose Over-Ear HeadphonesLarger ear cups and softer padding for comfort
Remember, these tips are just guidelines. The most important thing is that you're comfortable. Don't be afraid to experiment to find what works best for you.


How to wear headphones with long hair?

Wearing headphones with long hair can be tricky, but it’s manageable. I recommend pulling your hair back into a low ponytail, bun, or braid.

This keeps your hair out of the way and prevents it from getting tangled in the headphones. If you prefer to leave your hair down, try parting it down the middle before putting on your headphones.

This can help distribute your hair evenly and prevent it from interfering with the headphones.

How to wear headphones with a mic?

Headphones with a mic usually have the mic on a boom that extends from one of the ear cups.

The mic should be positioned close to your mouth (about 1-2 inches away) but not directly in front of it to avoid picking up breathing sounds.

The boom should be flexible, allowing you to adjust the mic’s position for optimal sound pickup. Ensure the mic is on the right side (usually the left side, but this can vary depending on the model).

How are you supposed to wear on-ear headphones?

On-ear headphones should be positioned so the ear cups sit comfortably on your ears, not above or below them. The headband should rest lightly on the top of your head.

It should be tight enough to keep the headphones in place but not so close that it causes discomfort. If your headphones are adjustable, you can adjust the length of the headband for a better fit.

How do you not get dents in your hair from headphones?

To avoid getting dents in your hair from headphones, try not to wear the headphones for extended periods. Taking regular breaks can give your hair a chance to recover.

If you have long hair, consider wearing it in a style that keeps it out of the way of the headphones, like a low ponytail or bun.

If you’re wearing headband-style headphones, you can also try positioning the headband at an angle instead of straight across the top of your head.

Do you wear headphones over your hair?

Generally, it’s best to wear headphones directly on your ears, not over your hair. Hair can interfere with the sound quality and prevent the headphones from sitting securely on your ears.

If you have long hair, consider pulling it back or parting it down the middle before putting on your headphones. If you’re wearing headband-style headphones, the headband should rest directly on your head, not your hair.

Final Thoughts

Looking good while wearing headphones is a blend of personal style, comfort, and quality. The right pair of headphones should enhance your outfit and provide a comfortable fit and excellent sound quality.

Remember, the key is to wear them with confidence. Whether sporting a sleek pair of in-ears or a bold set of over-ears, your headphones are an extension of your style.

So, embrace your choice, enjoy your music, and let your confidence shine. After all, when you feel good, you look good.