Do All VR Headsets Need a Phone?

Not all VR headsets require a phone — some are standalone or tethered to a PC or gaming console. But is a phone-based VR headset the right choice for you?

Picture this: you’re immersed in a stunning virtual world, enjoying the thrill of exploring new environments from the comfort of your living room.

The beauty of VR technology has made this possible, and choosing the right headset is crucial to maximizing your experience.

We’ll discuss the different types of VR headsets, including:

  • Phone-based
  • Standalone
  • Tethered headsets

Join us as we dive into the exciting realm of virtual reality and help you find the perfect VR headset for your needs. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s get started.

What is a VR Headset?

A VR or virtual reality headset is a device worn on the head that provides an immersive experience by transporting you into a digital, three-dimensional world.

It achieves this by using built-in displays, lenses, and sensors. That creates a convincing virtual environment. Also, allow you to interact with and explore digital content.

VR headsets typically consist of the following components:

  • Displays: These screens in front of each eye produce the images needed for the virtual environment. Most VR headsets use either one display split into two sections for each eye or two separate displays, one for each eye.
  • Lenses: The lenses in your eyes help you see the picture and make it seem more real. They also give you a feeling of depth.
  • Sensors: Various sensors, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers, are used to track your head movements. This tracking enables the virtual environment to respond accordingly. This creates a sense of presence within the digital world.
  • Audio: Many VR headsets include built-in headphones or audio jacks for external headphones. This delivers spatial audio that enhances immersion by providing realistic sound cues.
  • Controllers: Depending on the headset, controllers can be handheld or integrated into the headset itself. These input devices allow you to interact with the virtual environment.

Do All VR Headsets Need a Phone?

Do All VR Headsets Need a Phone

You already know the short answer, but you know the details now. Some VR headsets work without special devices, but other types of headsets need something else to work.

Three main types of VR headsets are available on the market, each with unique features, advantages, and limitations. These types include phone-based, standalone, and tethered VR headsets.

Phone-Based VR Headsets

Phone-based VR headsets use your smartphone as both the display and the computing power.

These headsets are designed to hold your smartphone before your eyes, using lenses to focus and magnify the images on the phone’s screen.

Some popular phone-based VR headsets include:

  • Google Cardboard
  • Samsung Gear VR
  • Google Daydream


  • Affordable: Phone-based VR headsets are generally the most budget-friendly option.
  • Portable: Since they rely on your smartphone, these headsets are lightweight and easily transported.
  • Accessible: With a compatible smartphone, you can quickly set up and start using these headsets.


  • Performance: Phone-based VR headsets rely on your smartphone’s capabilities, which may not match the performance of standalone or tethered headsets.
  • Compatibility: Not all smartphones are compatible with these headsets, so you must ensure your phone works with your headset.
  • Battery life: Using your phone for VR can drain its battery quickly.

Standalone VR Headsets

Standalone VR headsets have built-in hardware and software, eliminating the need for a phone, PC, or gaming console.

These headsets are all-in-one devices that provide a convenient and user-friendly VR experience.

Examples of standalone VR headsets include:

  • Oculus Go
  • Oculus Quest
  • Pico Goblin


  • Convenience: No need for external devices or cables, providing a seamless VR experience.
  • Portability: These headsets are usually lightweight and easy to transport.
  • Ease of use: Setting up and using a standalone VR headset is generally straightforward.


  • Performance: Standalone VR headsets may not offer the same graphical fidelity or performance as tethered headsets.
  • Content Library: While improving, the content library for standalone VR headsets may not be as extensive as those available for tethered systems.
  • Battery life: Standalone headsets rely on built-in batteries, which may limit usage time.

Tethered VR Headsets

Tethered VR headsets connect to a powerful PC or gaming console, providing the best possible graphics, tracking accuracy, and immersion.

These headsets use external devices for processing power and often include advanced tracking systems.

Some popular tethered VR headsets are:

  • Oculus Rift
  • HTC Vive
  • PlayStation VR


  • Performance: Tethered VR headsets usually offer the best graphics and performance in the VR market.
  • Content Library: These headsets have access to a vast library of high-quality content, including games and applications.
  • Tracking accuracy: Tethered systems often have superior tracking capabilities, leading to a more immersive experience.


  • Cost: Tethered VR headsets can be expensive, especially considering the required PC or console.
  • Setup: These headsets usually require a more complex setup, including connecting cables and setting up sensors.
  • Mobility: Tethered headsets are less portable and can limit your movement due to their physical connection to an external device.

Each type of VR headset has unique features, benefits, and limitations. Choosing the right headset depends on your priorities, such as budget, performance, and convenience.

Does the Oculus Go Require a Phone?

The Oculus Go is a standalone VR headset that does not require a phone to operate. Unlike phone-based VR headsets that use smartphones for display and processing, the Oculus Go comes with built-in hardware and software.

This allows you to enjoy virtual reality experiences without needing a separate smartphone or additional devices.

Here’s what you need to know about the Oculus Go:

  • Built-in hardware: The Oculus Go features an integrated processor, storage, and display system. Making it a self-contained VR device. You won’t need to insert a smartphone or connect external devices to use the headset.
  • Ease of use: Since the Oculus Go is a standalone headset, setting it up and using it is generally straightforward. You won’t need to worry about compatibility issues with your smartphone or managing cables and connections.
  • Content Library: The Oculus Go has access to its content library, which includes various games, apps, and experiences specifically designed for the headset. You can download and install content directly onto the headset without a separate device.
  • Controller: The Oculus Go has a single handheld controller that lets you interact with the virtual environment. This controller is designed to be simple and intuitive, allowing you to navigate and control content easily.

How Long Can You Wear a VR Headset?

No one-size-fits-all answer is how long you can wear a VR headset. The duration depends on various factors such as comfort, the type of content, and the specific headset model.

Here are some general guidelines to consider when using a VR headset:


Comfort plays a significant role in determining how long you can wear a VR headset. Ensuring the headset fits well and does not cause discomfort is crucial for longer usage.

Factors affecting comfort include:

  • Padding: Ensure the headset has adequate padding around the eyes and on the head strap.
  • Weight: Lighter headsets tend to be more comfortable for extended use.
  • Adjustability: A well-adjusted headset with customizable straps and an adjustable interpupillary distance (IPD) will help reduce eye strain and improve comfort.


The type and quality of the content you’re experiencing can also influence how long you can wear a VR headset. Engaging and immersive content may encourage you to wear the headset for longer periods.

However, if the content causes motion sickness or discomfort, you might need more frequent breaks.


Regular breaks, regardless of comfort or content, are essential when using a VR headset. Spending extended periods in virtual reality can cause eye strain, fatigue, and disorientation.

Taking a 10-15 minute break every 30-45 minutes is recommended to allow your eyes and body to rest and adjust to the real world.

Battery Life

Battery life can limit your usage time for standalone and phone-based VR headsets. Depending on the headset and the type of content, you might get between 2-4 hours of continuous use before needing to recharge the device.

Difference Between Phone-Based VR Headsets and Tethered VR Headsets

When comparing phone-based VR headsets and tethered VR headsets side by side, several key factors distinguish them.

Here’s a comparison of these two types of headsets:

  1. Performance: Tethered VR headsets offer superior graphics and performance because they connect to powerful PCs or gaming consoles. In contrast, phone-based VR headsets rely on smartphone capabilities. That may not provide the same level of performance.
  2. Cost: Phone-based VR headsets are generally more affordable than tethered headsets. However, when considering the cost of a tethered headset, you must also account for the required PC or gaming console.
  3. Setup: Phone-based VR headsets are easier to set up and use, as you only need a compatible smartphone. On the other hand, tethered headsets usually require a more complex setup, including connecting cables and setting up sensors.
  4. Portability: Phone-based VR headsets are lightweight and easy to transport since they don’t require additional hardware. Tethered headsets are less portable due to their physical connection to an external device.
  5. Content Library: Tethered headsets have access to a vast library of high-quality content, including games and applications. Thanks to their connection to PCs or gaming consoles. Phone-based VR headsets have a more limited content library, relying on smartphone-compatible apps.
  6. Tracking accuracy: Tethered systems often have superior tracking capabilities. They lead to a more immersive experience. Phone-based headsets may not provide the same level of tracking accuracy. They depend on the smartphone’s built-in sensors.
  7. Compatibility: Not all smartphones are compatible with phone-based VR headsets. So you’ll need a compatible device. Tethered headsets require a compatible PC or gaming console.
  8. Battery life: Using your phone for VR can drain its battery quickly, limiting the duration of your VR experience. In contrast, tethered headsets draw power from the connected device, so battery life is not a concern.

What Do You Need With a VR Headset?

The requirements for using a VR headset depend on the type of headset you have: phone-based, standalone, or tethered.

Here’s a breakdown of what you might need for each type of VR headset:

Phone-Based VR Headsets

With phone-based VR headsets, you’ll need the following:

  1. A compatible smartphone: Your smartphone must be compatible with the headset and have the necessary sensors and processing power to run VR content.
  2. VR apps and content: Download and install VR apps and content from your phone’s app store.
  3. A comfortable and secure fit: Adjust the headset straps and ensure the proper placement of your smartphone within the headset for optimal comfort and performance.

Standalone VR Headsets

For standalone VR headsets, you may require the following:

  1. A Wi-Fi connection: To download and install VR content, update the headset’s software, and access online features, you’ll need a Wi-Fi connection.
  2. Charging equipment: Ensure you have the necessary charging equipment (e.g., charging cable and adapter) to keep your headset charged and ready for use.
  3. A compatible VR controller: Most standalone headsets come with a compatible controller. Make sure the controller is charged and properly paired with the headset.

Tethered VR Headsets

With tethered VR headsets, you’ll need the following:

  1. A compatible PC or gaming console: Ensure your PC or gaming console meets the minimum requirements for the VR headset. This includes the necessary processing power, graphics capabilities, and available ports.
  2. VR software: Install the necessary software on your PC or gaming console to run VR content and manage your headset.
  3. External sensors (if applicable): Some tethered headsets require external sensors for tracking. Set up these sensors according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  4. A compatible VR controller: Make sure you have compatible VR controllers, such as hand or motion controllers, to interact with the virtual environment.

Regardless of the type of VR headset you have, consider these additional accessories and considerations for a more enjoyable experience:

  1. Comfortable headphones: While some headsets have built-in audio, others may require external headphones for a more immersive audio experience.
  2. A play area: Ensure you have a safe and spacious play area free of obstacles to prevent accidents while using your VR headset.
  3. Cleaning supplies: Keep cleaning supplies, such as a microfiber cloth, on hand to clean your headset’s lenses and maintain optimal image clarity.

The requirements for using a VR headset depend on the type of headset and its specific features. By understanding the needs of your headset, you can ensure a more enjoyable and immersive VR experience.


Can I use my regular glasses with a VR headset?

Most VR headsets are designed to accommodate users who wear glasses, with enough space to fit them comfortably.

However, the fit might vary depending on the size of your glasses and the specific headset model.

Some VR headsets also offer adjustable focus or prescription lens inserts to help users with vision issues.

Can I experience motion sickness while using a VR headset?

Some users may experience motion sickness, also known as “VR sickness,” while using a VR headset. This typically occurs when there’s a disconnect between what your eyes see in the virtual environment and what your body feels.

To minimize motion sickness, start with shorter VR sessions, choose less intense experiences, and take breaks when needed.

Are there any age restrictions for using VR headsets?

Most VR headset manufacturers recommend a minimum age of 12 or 13 years old for using their products. Younger children’s eyes are still developing, and extended use of VR headsets may have unknown effects on their vision.

Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and use discretion when allowing children to use VR headsets.

Can I use a VR headset if I have a medical condition like epilepsy?

Individuals with epilepsy or other medical conditions that make them susceptible to seizures should consult their doctor before using a VR headset.

Some VR experiences may include flashing lights or patterns that could trigger seizures in sensitive individuals.

How much space do I need to use a VR headset?

The required space depends on the type of VR headset and the specific experiences you want to enjoy. Some VR headsets, especially tethered ones, may require a larger play area for room-scale experiences.

However, many VR experiences can be enjoyed while seated or standing in a smaller space. Always ensure your play area is free of obstacles to prevent accidents.